Geographically, East Lombok Regency is located between 116° - 117° East Longitude and between 8° - 9° South Latitude. with boundaries:
- West side: North Lombok and Central Lombok districts;
- East side: Alas Strait;
- North side: Java Sea;
- South side: Ocean Indonesia.
The area of East Lombok Regency is 2,679.88 km² consisting of land area of 1,605.55 km² (59.91 percent) and oceans of 1,074.33 km² (40.09 percent). The land area of East Lombok Regency covers 33.88 percent of the area of Lombok Island or 7.97 percent of the land area of West Nusa Tenggara Province. The plains in East Lombok include mountains and lowlands that extend to the coast. The mountainous area is located in the northern part of the Mount Rinjani National Park with a peak height of 3,726 meters above the surface. the sea. As for the central to southern part in the form of lowlands. The districts with the largest area (land) are Sambelia, Sembalun, and Jerowaru Districts. These three districts are quite large because they contain state forest areas. Meanwhile, the sub-districts with the smallest area were Sukamulia, Sakra, and Montong Gading.
Land use in East Lombok Regency is mostly used for agricultural business. The total rice field area in 2018 was 48,250 ha or around 30.05 percent of the district area. Most of the rice fields are planted with rice (93.70%), either once, twice or three times a year. The area of East Lombok Regency is 2,679.88 km² which consists of land area of 1,605.55 km² (59.91%) and sea of 1,074.33 km² (40.09%). Lombok Island consists of 4 main watersheds, one of which is the Menanga River Basin, administratively included in the East Lombok region. In accordance with the Decree of the Governor of West Nusa Tenggara No. 122 of 2005, regarding the status of DAS / SWS, the Menanga DAS is included in the very critical watershed category. This has consequences for serious handling, especially the water resources crisis in this region.
Population is a very important development resource. Therefore, the development of the population condition is also an indicator that must be considered in development planning. This chapter will provide an overview of population conditions such as population density, sex ratio, population dependency ratio, according to age group and population distribution at the sub-district level in East Lombok Regency. From the projection data, the population of East Lombok in 2010 reached 1,109,253 people and is estimated to reach 1,192,110 people in 2018, growing by 0.75 percent from the previous year. The districts with the largest population were Masbagik Aikmel and Pringgabaya Districts, respectively. The combined population of these three sub-districts is almost equivalent to a quarter of the total population of East Lombok.
Meanwhile, the sub-districts that had the smallest population were, respectively, Sembalun Sambelia and Sukamulia Districts). Judging from the ratio of the total population of men and women, the total number of women is more than that of men. The sex ratio shows 87 points which can simply be interpreted that there are 87 men among 100 women.
Regional Potential
East Lombok Regency has various potentials that need to be developed optimally, for example :
The northern area is a fertile agricultural area and is the slopes of Mount Rinjani with an altitude of 3,726 m. This area has the potential for agro-industrial development. Like Sembalun for example, now there is PT. Sampoerna Agro is investing in this area. Meanwhile, the southern area is a dry land area with relatively low rainfall, but the area is very potential for the development of agricultural commodities such as Virginia tobacco. One of the many vegetable crops planted by the people of Lombok is kangkung, which is a propagating water plant. Kangkung is very popular because it is widely consumed as a typical food, namely Pelecing Kangkung, which is a typical Lombok food.
The rice fields in East Lombok Regency in 2018 reached 48,251 ha, about 30 percent of the land area. Most of these rice fields are planted with rice one to three times a year, the largest number of rice fields is in Jerowaru District (4,384 ha) Aikmel + Lenek ( 3,666 ha) and Sakra Timur (3,263 ha), the total area of rice paddy harvest in 2018 is estimated to reach 83,879 ha for the entire region of East Lombok, the district with the largest harvest area is the Montong Gading District (12,222 ha) Aikmel + Lenek (8,473 ha) and Sikur (7,692 ha), while the total production of the entire harvested area is estimated to reach 458,763 tonnes, corn production in 2018 is estimated to be around 149,914 tonnes, Pringgabaya, Sambelia Wanasaba, Jerowaru and Suela sub-districts are the central sub-districts that contribute the largest maize production, apart from the sub-sector. food plants and horticulture of plantation crops, especially tobacco, is widely cultivated in East Lombok, especially in the lowlands which are somewhat dry,
Industry and Energy
Industries that are still developing in East Lombok Regency in particular are home industries/small industries with a small number of workers, and are generally family workers. Products produced are also limited because of the limited market share, Industrial products typical of several regions such as woven pottery and woven cloth. However, the current condition is not like 5-10 years before the Bali bombing case. The security disturbance caused a drastic reduction in demand.
In terms of electrical energy, PLN divides East Lombok Regency into 2 rayons, namely rayon selong and rayon pringgabaya, while the supply of clean drinking water is managed by PDAM, PDAM customers from household groups in 2018 were 22,748 households with total water distributed reaching 5,171,533 thousand m3 ,
The distribution of fuel oil in East Lombok Regency is carried out through gas stations that are spread across several districts. Total fuel distribution continues to increase every year. However, the use of premium is decreasing along with the increasing use of non-subsidized fuels, namely Pertamax and Pertalite fuels.
Tourism in East Lombok is more dominated by natural tourism in the form of beaches and mountainous areas.Some tourist objects have also been very well known nationally such as Tangsi Beach (Pink) and climbing Mount Rinjani. In terms of providing accommodation, the number of hotels in East Lombok until 2018 is 72 units. hotels, consisting of 1 star hotel and 71 non star hotels,
The total length of roads in East Lombok is around 1367.13 km including village roads, there are 72.83 km of state roads and 189.67 km of provincial roads, the road conditions from year to year continue to increase, the number of paved roads is increasing in number, In 2017, the length of roads carried out by asphalt reached 896 km from the previous 677.91 km in length. The road conditions with good status also continued to increase, in 2013 along 514.91 km,
In this area, there are various marine potentials. Some areas are used for pearl shell cultivation. Apart from pearls, this area is also a large fish-producing area. Several natural ports have been formed as centers for marine fish production, such as Labuhan Lombok, Tanjung Luar, Labuhan Hajj and others. Unfortunately this potential is not followed by an increase in the economic value of the product through post-harvest processing. Besides that, there is also seaweed cultivation which is managed by communities in coastal areas.
Gross Regional Domestic Income (GRDP) is all added value created from various economic activities in an area in a certain period, the calculation of GDP / GRDP in 2014 uses a new base year (base year 2010 replaces the year 2000) on the basis of SNA 2008, one of the implications of using SNA 2008 is the nominal change and changes in the classification of GRDP from 9 sectors to 17 categories, GRDP at the current price (adh) of East Lombok Regency in 2018 reached 18.84 trillion rupiah, this figure shows an increase of around 1.3 trillion from the situation in 2017 which reached 17.56 trillion, the economic structure of a region can be seen from the contribution of each category to the formation of GRDP, East Lombok GRDP figures show that the agriculture, forestry and fisheries category has the largest contribution to the formation of GRDP , In 2018 more than a quarter (27.99 percent) of East Lombok's GRDP came from the agricultural category, although from year to year this percentage is getting smaller with a 'smooth' movement, in general it shows that the business trend in the agricultural sector is gradually decreasing, In addition, GRDP at constant prices (adk) is usually used to see growth economic growth in an area, the economic growth rate of East Lombok district in 2018 reached 3.36 percent