The area of Mataram City is 61.30 km² (6.130 Ha). In 2007 the city of Mataram experienced a regional division from three to sub-districts and 23 wards into six sub-districts and 50 wards. Geographically, the city of Mataram is located at the position of 116o04 '- 116 o 10' east longitude, and 08 o 33 '- 08 o 38' south latitude with the following boundaries:
· North side: Gunungsari District, Batulayar District and Lingsar District, West Lombok Regency
· East side: Narmada District and Lingsar District, West Lombok Regency
· Southern part: Labuapi District, West Lombok Regency
· West part: Lombok Strait
Mataram City area is low and medium land, and some are located at an altitude of 50 meters above sea level (masl). This condition shows that most of the city of Mataram is flat (75.9%). The gently sloping area is in the west and slightly high-bumpy in the east.
Regional Demographics:
Mataram City has the smallest area in West Nusa Tenggara Province, but is inhabited by a large population. This population can be a potential workforce as development capital in all fields. The total population of Mataram City according to BPS data for Mataram City, 2018 was 477,476 people while the population density reached 7,789 people per square kilometer with a growth rate of 1.91 percent.
The economic growth of the City of Mataram in 2018 was shown by the growth of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) at constant prices in 2010, which decreased from 8.07 percent in 2017 to 4.98 percent in 2018. The economic growth of Mataram City in 2018 was shown by the growth rate Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at constant prices in 2010: slowing down from the previous year, namely 4.98 percent (8,07: 2017) Real sectoral growth in 2018 fluctuated from the previous year. The highest growth was achieved by the financial services and insurance sector at 7.93 percent, with its role in the GDP of 11.03 percent. The mining sector experienced the lowest increase, namely 0.13 percent. The wholesale and retail trade, car and motorcycle repair sectors were the dominant sectors that made a significant contribution to the Mataram economy by 20.72 with a real growth of 6.04 percent.
Development in the education sector can be indicated by the development of institutions or institutions, the number of teachers, students, and the level of school participation from year to year The development of educational institutions according to their level can be seen from the increase and decrease in the number of school, pre-school or kindergarten facilities in 2018 as many as 113 schools , Primary schools are 164 in 2018, there are 22 MI schools, 39 SMP, MTS 21, SMA 24, MA 15, and SMK 22 schools.
In 2015, rice productivity was around 64.16 quintals per hectare, an increase of 6.51 quintals / ha compared to the previous year's productivity. Meanwhile, the harvested area for rice fell to 5,028 hectares. The amount of rice production in 2015 increased to 32,258 tons or an increase of 1,385 tons compared to the amount of rice production the previous year. Rice production in Sekarbela sub-district is the highest among rice production in other sub-districts, which is around 7,792 tons. The production of several types of vegetables (kale and cucumber) has fluctuated. In detail, the increase in vegetable production in 2018 includes cayenne, long beans and spinach.
Livestock in Mataram City includes large and small livestock. The largest number of large livestock in Mataram is cows with a total of 2,070 heads, followed by 401 horses and 7 buffaloes.
The number of marine fisheries in Mataram City reached 1,706 tons with various types of fish
Development in the industrial sector is a top priority for economic development without neglecting development in other sectors. The industrial sector in Mataram is divided into formal and non-formal industries. The formal and non-formal industries in Mataram in 2018 were recorded at 4,752 company units consisting of 2,296 formal companies and 2,456 non-formal companies. With 24,156 workers consisting of 15,335 workers in formal industries and 8,821 non-formal workers. When compared to 2017, the number of formal and non-formal industrial companies and workers in Mataram in 2018 has increased. In the same year, the value of formal and non-formal industrial output reached 1,215.87 billion rupiah, 30.67 billion rupiah higher than the output value in 2017. According to the Mataram City Industry and Trade Office, there were 2,456 non-formal companies in 2018 or an increase. relatively small compared to the number of companies in the previous year. The number of workers absorbed is 8,821 people. The investment value of non-formal industries in 2018 reached 26.93 billion rupiah.
The amount of electrical energy sold during 2018 has a production value of 1,252,499,073 Kwh. Electrical energy is mostly used by households, followed by industry, business, government offices, street lighting and social.
Drinking water
The number of drinking water customers in Mataram increased in 2018. Where in the previous year 74,090 customers became 77,285 customers. In 2018 the amount of water distributed was 17,115,288 m3
The development of tourism is currently increasingly important, not only in order to increase the country's foreign exchange earnings, but also in order to expand employment opportunities and equal income distribution. In 2018, the number of accommodation businesses in Mataram was 138 hotels with 4,409 rooms. Among the accommodation businesses, 27 businesses or 19 percent were hotels classified as star-rated hotels with 2,339 rooms. Meanwhile, the number of other accommodation businesses was recorded at 111 businesses with 2,070 rooms. The average tourists who come and stay in the accommodation business (star hotels and jasmine hotels) in 2016 amounted to 623,835 tourists with details of 607,045 domestic tourists and 16,790 foreign tourists.