
Sumbawa Regency


6.644 Km
509,000 Million (2020)
73 people per sq Km (2019)
Min. Wage Rate:
IDR 2.201.613 (2020)
Drs. H. Mahmud Abdullah
Capital City:
24 Districs and 157 Villages

Sumbawa Regency (2023)
  • Total Investment
  • IDR. 30.164.885.809
  • Domestic Investment:
    IDR. 23.261.554.479
    Foreign Investment:
    IDR. 6.903.331.330


Location and Natural Conditions

Sumbawa Regency as one of the ten districts / cities in West Nusa Tenggara Province is located on the western tip of Sumbawa Island, at positions 116 "42 'to 118" 22' East Longitude and 8 "8 'to 9" 7 'South latitude and has an area of ​​6,643.98 km2. When viewed from the topography point of view, the land surface in the Sumbawa Regency area is uneven or tends to be hilly with an altitude ranging from 0 to 1,730 meters above sea level, where most of them are 355,108 ha or 41.81 percent at an altitude of 100 to 500 meters. Meanwhile, the altitude for sub-district cities in Sumbawa Regency ranges from 10 to 650 meters above sea level. The capital city of Batulanteh Subdistrict, namely Semstik, was the capital of the highest sub-district while Sumbawa Besar was the capital of the lowest sub-district. The regency which is better known by the motto Sabalong Samalewa is bordered by West Sumbawa Regency on the west, Dompu Regency on the east, Flores Sea in the north and the Indonesian Ocean in the south. The distance from the district capital to sub-district cities is an average of 45 km. The farthest sub-district city is Tarano District with a distance of 103 km.


Climate and Rainfall

The area of ​​Sumbawa Regency is an area with a tropical climate which is influenced by the rainy season and dry season. In 2011 the maximum temperature reached 36.6 ° C which occurred in October and the minimum temperature was 32.0 ° C which occurred in January. The highest average air humidity during 2011 reached 89% in January and the lowest reached 70% in August and September, and the maximum air pressure was 1,011.1 mb and a minimum of 1,006.5 mb. The existence of natural phenomena such as Elnino that has hit parts of Indonesia, including Sumbawa Regency, affects the number of rainy days and rainfall. This can be seen from the number of rainy days and rainfall that occurred throughout 2011. Compared to the previous year, the number of rainy days was more, namely as many as 148 days, with the most rainy days occurring in January as many as 26 days.

Likewise with the rainfall, where the most rainfall occurred in February, which was 316 mm. One thing that can affect rainy days and rainfall is the amount of evaporation. Because a lot of evaporation can affect the number of rainy days and rainfall that occurs in the next period.



·    Food Crops, Rice production in 2017 reached 445,440 tons, an increase of 2.94 percent from 2016 of 432,729 tons. Sumbawa Regency is one of the largest maize-producing districts in West Nusa Tenggara Province with an increase in maize production by 32.99 percent from the previous year in 2017 of 621,405 tons

·     Horticulture, of the 24 sub-districts in the Sumbawa Regency, in 2017 the production of shallots in Sumbawa Regency increased by 6.26 percent from the previous year which was 33,949.80 tons.

·        Plantation, smallholder plantation crops in Sumbawa Regency which contributed the largest production, namely elapa with a production of 4,028.00 Kg followed by coffee plants with a production of 1,696m68 Kg with the largest coffee producer coming from Batulanteh sub-district. · The largest coffee forestry comes from Batulanteh sub-district.

·       Forestry. The function of forest areas in Sumbawa Regency is divided into 7 types, namely protected forest, new park forest, limited production forest, permanent production forest, natural tourism forest, marine park and nature reserves.

·          Livestock, Sumbawa Regency is not only superior in the production of food crops but also in the livestock sector. It can be seen from the number of livestock available. In 2017, the largest number of large livestock was in the form of Bali cattle as many as 228,814 eor, while for small livestock, it was dominated by purebred chickens with a total of 576,054 heads.

·        Fishery, fishery production in Sumbawa Regency in 2017 increased by 1.38 percent from the previous year of 750,458.69 tons. Potential fishery resources in Sumbawa Regency are divided into marine fisheries, public waters, fresh water, brackish water and marine cultivation.


 According to the Department of Cooperatives, Industry and Trade in Sumbawa, industry is divided into two fields, namely the chemical, agro and forest products industry and metal, machinery, electronics and various industries. The first sector covers 1,385 business units in 2016 with 3,444 workers, resulting in a production value of up to 56 billion rupiah. Meanwhile, the second sector covers 448 business units with 803 workers and produces a production value of more than 43 billion rupiah.


Electricity and Drinking Water

The amount of electricity produced through PLN Region XI, Sumbawa Area is 170,293,589 Kwh. The number of PLN customers in the social, household, business and public categories increased in 2016. Electricity sold to customers in the household category increased from 2015 to 9,831 million rupiah. The number of drinking water customers in Sumbawa in 2016 reached 18,649 customers with a total of 4,832,105 m3 of drinking water distributed.



As one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia, West Nusa Tenggara Province, especially Sumbawa Regency, is equipped with various facilities. One of them is accommodation facilities such as hotels or other accommodation facilities in addition to various supporting facilities in the form of transportation, communication and others. In 2015, there were 33 hotels and other accommodation in the districts of Sumbawa, which are spread across seven sub-districts, namely Alas, Sumbawa, Labuhan Badas, Unter Iwes, North Moyo, Plampang and Empang Districts with the largest number in Sumbawa District with 18 hotels. Regarding labor absorption, the number absorbed in existing hotels and other accommodation is as many as 482 people with 141 elementary / junior high school education qualifications, 261 non-vocational hospitality / tourism people and 78 hospitality / tourism vocational people. The size of the labor absorption in the hotel sector cannot be separated from the number of guests, both domestic and foreign guests. The number of domestic guests staying at hotels in Sumbawa Regency in 2015 was 66,654 people, while foreign guests were 1,802 people.



The length of regency roads in 2016 is 951.51 km with good category roads along 489.41 km, an increase from the situation in 2015 which is 451.97 km. The length of district roads with asphalt surface types also increased from the previous year. This shows the road repair efforts that the government continues to make. The number of land transportation facilities, both public and non-public, can be seen at the Polres office and the Transportation Agency. The transport fleets registered at the Sumbawa Police are distinguished

according to the type of use of vehicles, namely load cars, transport cars and passenger cars. Meanwhile, operating public transport vehicles are differentiated by type of route, including city transportation, rural transportation, city transportation within provinces, city transportation between provinces and traditional transportation. The air transportation situation in Sumbawa Regency is reflected in the activity of aircraft traffic at Sultan Kaharuddin airport. To smooth the flow of cargo ships in Sumbawa Regency, there is one port that is quite busy, namely the Badas Port. To serve crossings between islands, there is one port, namely the Tano port. This crossing

connects between the island of Sumbawa and the island of Lombok. However, since the division of the district in 2003, the port of Tano is no longer part of the Sumbawa Regency area. The large flow of goods through Badas port was quite busy in 2015. Some of the commodities that leave Sumbawa Regency include rice, corn and animals. Meanwhile, the commodities that enter are wheat flour, corn, fertilizer, cement, wood, asphalt, fuel and coal.


Post and Communication

The number of post offices in Sumbawa Regency in 2016 was 13 post offices. The number of incoming and outgoing accounts each year is relatively large. This shows that the post is still a reliable means of smoothing the flow of goods and money. Apart from the post, the means often used to facilitate communication is the telephone. The number of telephone subscribers in 2016 recorded at PT. Telkom Sumbawa with 4,790 subscribers.


Regional Finance

From the plan to receive Regional Original Revenue (PAD) of Sumbawa Regency in 2016 it is targeted at 144,584.76 million rupiah and the realization is 135,092.85 million rupiah. In general, the percentage of realized revenue to the Sumbawa Regency regional revenue budget is 93.44 percent.


Residents Expenditure

The source of population expenditure data is obtained from the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) which is carried out routinely by the Central Statistics Agency. In 2016, Susenas was held twice a year, namely in March 2016 with a total sample of 640 households spread across Sumbawa Regency and in September 2016 with a total sample of 160 households in Sumbawa Regency. The population expenditure data collected in the national socio-economic survey is divided into two groups, namely food consumption and non-food consumption. In 2016, the monthly average per capita population of Sumbawa was 920,260 rupiah, with details of expenditure for food consumption amounting to 462,577 rupiah and expenditure for non-food consumption of 457,682 rupiah.


Regional Income

Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at the regional (regency / city) level illustrates the ability of a region to create added value at any given time. To compile GRDP, 2 approaches are used, namely the field of business and expenditure. Both present the composition of value added data in detail according to the source of economic activity (business field) and according to the components of its use. PDRB in terms of business fields is the sum of all components of gross value added that economic sectors can create for their various production activities. Meanwhile, from the expenditure side, it describes the use of the added value. PDRB according to business fields has changed the classification from 9 business fields to 17 business fields. GRDP according to business fields is detailed according to the total added value of all economic sectors which include Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries business fields; Mining and excavation; Processing industry; Procurement of Electricity and Gas; Water Supply, Waste Management, Waste and Recycling; Construction; Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Automobiles and Motorcycles; Transportation and Warehousing; Provision of accommodation and food and drink; Information and Communication; Financial Services and Insurance; Real Estate; Company Services; Mandatory Government Administration, Defense and Social Security; Education Services; Health Services and Social Activities; and other services.

The economic growth of Sumbawa Regency is shown by the growth rate of Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) at constant prices in 2010, economic growth in Sumbawa Regency in 2016 amounted to 5.26 percent. Real sectoral growth in 2016 fluctuated from the previous year. The highest growth was achieved by Category K (Financial Services and Insurance at 11.05 percent with a role in the GRDP of 3.74 percent. Category A (Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) is the dominant category which contributes significantly to the economy of Sumbawa, which is 38.79 percent with real growth of 3.06 percent in 2016.