
Wind Power Plant


Wind resources: The average wind speeds in Lombok are low. In the South, the average wind speed barely reaches 6 m/s and moving North to Rinjani, the average wind speeds are only 2 m/s. These low wind speeds call for wind turbines designed for these conditions. The Vestas V150-4.2 MW is an example of this. Its long blades (74 m) and large sweep area of 17,670 m2 make it possible to utilise energy in low wind conditions. Other manufactures have similar low speed turbines – such as the Siemens Gamesa SG 4.5-155.

Location: The sub-district of Jerowaru is chosen for the site analysed as this location has some of the highest wind speeds in Lombok, and the land covers are mostly dry land agriculture, which are assumed to be acquirable. The land covered is around 100 ha (~1 km2 ); however, most of the land can still be used for agriculture purposes.

Utilisation: An analysis of the power curve from a V150-4.2 MW turbine and the distribution of wind speeds at a chosen site, results in 3000 full load hours.

Capacity: Fluctuating power generation can in the current system be a challenge for PLN. However, economy of scale calls for higher capacity. A capacity of 50 MW is assessed to provide the best balance

Nama Proyek : Wind Power Plant
Perkiraan Nilai Investasi :,00
Skema Bisnis : Revenue Sharing
Studi Kelayakan :
Lama Konsesi :
Pendapatan :
IRR : 16 %
Period Balik Modal :
Lokasi : Kabupaten Lombok Timur
Luas Area : 100ha
Daftar Dokumen :
Lampiran : Maks. 5 file (Maks. 100Mb)
Penilaian Sasambo : Brown Book
Status : Terbuka
Profil Pemilik Proyek
The Energy and Mineral Resources Office of West Nusa Tenggara Province was formed in 2016 based on NTB Provincial Regulation Number 11 of 2016 concerning the Establishment and Structure of Regional Apparatus of NTB Province. The Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of NTB Province when viewed from the history of its formation has gone through a long history. The forerunner of its formation began with the establishment of the NTB Mining and Energy Development Project Section in the 1980s, which was part of the work area of the Regional Office of the Department of Mining and Energy of South Sulawesi Province in Ujung Pandan.

Nama : Niken Arumdati
Pekerjaan : Sekretaris ESDM Provinsi NTB
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